Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween has come and gone.... Thank God!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
why is it

Sunday, October 26, 2008
catch up...
Today was a super fun day tho. We went to Mardi's princess birthday party and had a great time! It was a girls only party, and Tara went all out. The girls got their toenails done, they decorated tiaras and wands, played princess games, and ate the yummiest cake. I hate when she does this because then I feel obligated to try and do something equally nice for my kids..... I wish Avery would forget what a birthday at the Kitchen's is like so that the ones at our house aren't so lame!
Grant leaves for work in a week and I really don't know what the hell I am going to do. I have really come to rely on him these past months, and the two weeks he will be gone are going to kill me. I know it.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Finally, some weekend work...

I kept my promise....

Not a Happy Camper

Friday, October 17, 2008
Anyhoo, we bought a bed for him, and got a smokin' deal on a new mattress and box spring for us (so not in the budget) but when we got home we took his crib out of his room, brought up his box spring and mattress, set that up in his room, moved his change table, then put Avery's bed on a frame, and cleaned out her room, then took our mattress and box spring downstairs, and brought the new one upstairs. That toook an hour. When I say it that way though, it doesn't sound like much.... but I sure hurt today.
At noon today I am heading west. I am going to Blairmore with a huge group of girls for a weekend of scrapbooking! I am so pumped. Two scrapbook weekends in one month?!?!? Who is spoiled? I am so looking forward to spending scrapbook time with Haley, and Rhea, and Tara, and Kacey, and Shannon, and ANNA!!! I am so excited to see Anna. She is the nicest person on the face of the earth. Seriously. She is.
So I hope to accomplish a crap load of stuff this weekend so I can post it on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
today is the day.....
That said, the Conservatives will likely win here today. I know they will kick ass in my riding, which is why I think there might be a lot of apathy among the youth vote. It is hard to get worked up for a party, when you know they have absolutely no hope of winning. I am not saying that I want the Liberals to win, but I am also not convinced that I want the Conservatives back in power. Don't get me wrong. They have done some really great things the last couple of years, but I find Stephen Harper so ridiculously boring and lacking and charisma that I can't bring myself to listen to him.
Anyhoo, I will do my civic duty, and I will drive into Vulcan and cast my vote. It won't make a difference one way or the other, but at least I will now have the right to bitch if I feel so inclined........... (not that I ever bitch.....) ;)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!!

This turkey is not the one that we will be eating, but rather, the first craft that Avery has ever brought home from school. She did the cutting herself! I knew that letting her scrapbook with me would have great benefits! Anyways, Cohen was in the kitchen yesterday, and was way too quiet, so of course, something had to be up. Well, what he was doing was eating the Cheerios off of Avery's turkey. All hell broke loose and Avery was screaming that Cohen was eating her peacock!!!!!
Fortunately, I had some fruity Cheerios and the yellow ones pass for regular ones... so, a little glue, and our tukey centerpiece is back in business!
I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, and take time to reflect on what you are truly grateful for. I know I will (in between bites that is....)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Flash of Genius
Anyhoo, we went and saw "Flash of Genius". It is about the guy who invented the intermittent windshield wiper, and how Ford took his idea, and stole his patent. He spend the next 12 years of his life dedicated to getting Ford to admit that the idea was his. He was offered lots of money to drop the lawsuit, but it was never about money for him. His wife left him, and his family was resentful towards him for a while.
Grant was really mad that he didn't take the money and try to rebuild his family. He argued that it isn't about the idea, and that family is what matters. However, I can totally see this guy's point. I kind of know how he feels. I certainly haven't invented anything that is as relevant as a windshield wiper, but I know why he was angry that someone took his idea and passed it off as their own.
A layout that I posted on here and on facebook that was born from the creativity of Haley, Tara and myself didn't get published. But one that looks eerily familiar, and not as creative did. It seems a little suspect that all the things we included on the layout; and not normal embellishmenty type things, ended up on this other one too.
I know that everyone scraplifts. I do. But I don't scraplift an idea, and then pass it off as my own.
Okay. I am really done with that now.
Friday, October 10, 2008
why do I care?
I went to the truck and told her that she wasn't a bad girl, that accidents happen, and that she would be okay. Then I told her dad to take her home...
On our way home, Avery said that if she sees this girl have an accident again that she will tell her, "That's okay... accidents happen." I like that she is listening...
I am trying to go on a "hot" date with Grant tonight. We'll see. It seems that whenever we make plans to go out, something else comes up. So tonight, he has booked his mom to come stay with the kids, and we are going to try to do dinner and a movie. (and get groceries.... see what I mean about a "hot" date???!!!) ;)
And I need to get some scrapbooking done. I have a lot of Monday Night Class stuff to accomplish. When will I find the time?
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
what a difference a day makes
Monday, October 6, 2008
October Layouts from the weekend.

"Cousins First, Friends Forever" by Kimberly Collis
After I started the second half of Cohen's first year album, the first album kind of got neglected. There are still a few empty spots waiting for layouts. This is going to fill one of those spots. This is Cohen and his cousin Annika at my cousin's 21st birthday last August, Cohen was six weeks old, and Annika was nine weeks... almost ten. I love that I have a child with a cousin so close in age to him. I envied Nicole and Janelle that when we were growing up. I didn't have cousins exactly my age, and both of them did. I am looking forward to watching them grow up together.
I'll try another way...
This is a kit that I designed this weekend for Monday Night Class. I was a little leary of the foam signs when Christy gave them to me, but when Amy arrived with the road sign paper by Glitz, I was so inspired. I think it is perfect for a little kid learning to walk, or someone learning to drive...
Needless to say, i am just happy I was able to load a photo!
This weekend
As for showing off all that I accomplished layout wise, I am struggling with my super duper dial up. It rarely allows me to connect to any or all of the pages I want to so...... you might have to wait, as it will not allow me to add any photos. I HATE DIAL UP.....
As for other things I accomplished this weekend... I walked in the CIBC Run for the Cure for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. I was dreading the day because I didn't think that I would be able to do the 5km in the allotted time... however, I was one of the first on my team to finish, and we were also near the front of the pack (of walkers, that is...) Anyhoo, the great thing about this day was the team I was on raised to most money at our run site! We raised just over $12,000.00 ourselves! What a great day, and what a necessary cause. Thanks to all of you who opened your checkbooks, and wallets, and made a donation to this cause.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It turned out not too badly

Needless to say, Grant really did all the work. He was running around behind me, making faces and crazy noises and throwing leaves in the air... and it worked! I got some pictures that are more than good enough for me. I especially love the one of Avery peeking around the tree. She was actually very good today.

I already have paper picked out for these pictures. I actually dressed them according to the paper... is that wrong?? I just got the "All Fall" line from Fancy Pants. I love Fancy Pants. Really love them. And it will be perfect for what I am doing with these. I like it when things work out well.

Wish me luck... i have the 5km run on Sunday. I will walk of course, (but only because my whole team is planning on walking - otherwise I would totally run...) (that was so dripping with sarcasm wasn't it?)
I am taking a break....
And, because I think I don't have enough pictures to scrapbook, I am taking the kids out for a fall photo shoot today. They both have orange shirts, and brown pants, so..... autumn leaves, here we come. The ideal photo shoot would include my darling husband, our dog, and myself. But let's face it, that isn't going to happen. So... if the pictures turn out well, I will post them, and I will also post what I accomplish this weekend at the beginning of next week.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Today was the day...

So this is the after..... notice the straggled hair, and crazy barrettes. Also notice the "new" pants. Not what she went in. (She told the assistant that she needed to go to the bathroom, but they didn't get there in time.....)
all in all, I think she had a great day........