Saturday, February 28, 2009
What a Zoo!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
More Weekend Layouts

My issue of Canadian Scrapbooker arrived in the mail yesterday. This is the one that I have a layout in. It is kind of cool to see something that you created in print; in something other than your own albums. Grant looked at it and said, "I really don't think that is one of your best layouts." Was that a compliment? Anyhoo, I am kind of excited, and I think I might submit some more now....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Layouts 64, and 65

This second layout is of the Terra Cotta Warriors in China. My sister was there this summer, and I offered to scrapbook her trip. What else is a gal to do when she is relatively caught up. The 12x18 photo is so clear and perfect for this layout. I really like this one, and I hope she does too. There is nothing old on this layout. I had to buy alphabet stickers, and paper, and I took the game spinner from Haley... but, oh, wait! The eyelets are old! Yay!
10 Randoms..... A day late, but only to make Jesse and Haley look good.....
So here is my list of things that are just a reflection on the weekend that was...
1. It doesn't matter how many layouts you accomplish. What matters is that you are getting to have a little "me" time, you are having adult conversation, and laughing at everything and nothing in particular.
2. The weekend seemed a little too quiet without Tara there hurling insults at me. Everyone thought that. Not just me, btw.
3. Knocking on a closed bathroom door is polite. Listening to see if anyone answers from the other side is politer.
4. Don't fight the little blue pills. They will make you halucinate.
5. Jesse is a really good singer. At least that is what she tells me. (And if she wasn't as good as she tells me she is, then I won't have to ask others to play their music..... wait a second...)
6. I am very happy for my friend Christie and her growing family.
7. Going to bed early (1:30) is NOT a bad thing. Not that 1:30 is early... but it is for me.
8. It is amazing how a break doesn't feel like one minutes after you get home, and the kids are already on you for supper, snack, bath, etc.
9. There is the potential for me to move out of the PBF position because Christie willingly gave up the BFF position to me. And sometimes you need to talk to someone that many times a day......
10. I love going there, but I think one can only eat Taco Salad so many times in a year. Don't get me wrong. I love beef, but I don't love it four meals worth.....
So, that is it. Another Bloomin' Inn weekend has come and gone. It was great, I got a few things done, and will post them later. For now, i need to go and get a little caught up on laundry and get ready for my Epicure party tomorrow.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
One More Sleep!!
anyhoo, I am a little bummed that Tara isn't able to join us. She is one of the original crew and is always fun to be around. I have huge aspirations to get at least six hours of uninterupted sleep this weekend. Should be good.
I will post what I accomplish on Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
One more old layout,

Anyhoo, this layout is one that I did last summer of Avery and Grant two summers ago. this was taken at our lake on her first boat ride day. I love how happy Grant looks looking into Avery's face. It doesn't get much better than that.
Monday, February 16, 2009
10 Randoms a day late....
So this week, I am doing my 10 Randoms about the things that I can't wait for!
1. A whole weekend of adult conversation. and adult laughs, and more adult conversation.
2. getting my peanut butter fix. I always take a jar of PB with me and eat it straight out of the jar. I love peanut butter.
3. Taco salad and lasagne. (I am kidding for those who know what I am talking about ;)
4. Hanging out with four girls I really like scrapbooking with! Anna, Shannon, Haley and Christie.
5. Getting to know Jesse better.
6. Meeting Haley's SIL. I am sure I will love her too. How can you not love someone who scrapbooks!
7. did I mention the peanut butter????
8. uninterupted sleep. (not tons of sleep, but uniterrupted sleep)
9. Driving to Pincher, and not having to listen to My Little Pony, or the John Deere movie, or Finding Nemo for the millionth time. And likely cranking my music and singing along off key.
10. Scrapbooking. Obviously.
I really am looking forward to this weekend. I am a little bummed that I didn't get to go scrapbook shopping with all the gals beforehand, but I am currently at my parent's house, and they are all meeting in Calgary today. Oh well. I have my layouts planned for the most part anyway.
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
In honor of Valentine's Day....

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
More oldies.. (61, 62)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
They Wear Their Sunglasses

sorry for anyone not born in the mid 70's, or who isn't Canadian. A little Corey Hart never hurt anyone.
In fact, my grade six boyfriend bought me that TAPE when we were dating (which means walking home together because we lived in the same neighborhood...) i am sure it means something more sinister now.
Anyhoo, I digress. I was cleaning out the console in my Hoeta (Tahoe) today and found a ton of Avery's sunglasses from last year. I brought them in to see what still fit her and what needed to go to Annika. Well, Cohen wanted in on the action, hence the pink glasses. And Avery did her own, hence the upsidedownness of hers.....
but at least I have a title for the page already!!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
some older layouts... (59, 60)

Saturday, February 7, 2009
10 Randoms - What I Love About Grant
Friday, February 6, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes......
Monday, February 2, 2009
Girls' Night

10 Randoms... a day late.
So today I am going to make a list of 10 wickedly random tidbits....
1. I bit my nails. I hate that I do, but I do.
2. I obsess over my weight, and money, every single day of my life. I am surprised I don't have an ulcer yet.
3. I really, really, really miss eating peanut butter for breakfast every day.
4. I love meat. But only beef and chicken, and sometimes pork (but rarely). I would never make it as a vegetarian... Never.
5. I drink a Pepsi every day. Just one, but every day.
6. My favorite, favorite, favorite show is The Office. I wish I worked in a place like Dunder Mifflin, Scranton.
7. I miss my Grammie Collis terribly. I don't think a day goes by that she doesn't cross my mind. I wish I would have told her how much she meant to me when she was alive. I know it sounds cliche-ish, but it is true.
8. My albums are my most prized possession.
9. A teeny, tiny part of me regrets having kids when we did. I guess I didn't realize HOW much of a committment they were. Sometimes I wish I could have travelled more, taught overseas, and done whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.....
10. That said, every day, one, or both does something to make me smile, laugh, or love them even more. Next to Grant, they are what I love most in the whole wide world.....
Okay. So a day late, but done.
It's A BOY!!!!

This second kit is for all the dog lovers out there. You know who you are! Red and black and white are sooooo not my colors, but I kind of like how this turned out!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
nothing new to report
Thanks for checking to see if I have anything to report.