Monday, March 30, 2009
I am so happy...

Sunday, March 29, 2009
10 Randoms... why I had a great time at Crop 4 Kids yesterday.

1. Duh. i won the cricut expression. How much better could it get?
2. I already have an expression, so I am donating said expression to my school. (feels so good to be able to do that).
3. I was worried that I wouldn't like who I was assigned to sit with. I met two of the nicest ladies yesterday. Serena and Liana. If you are out there. I really enjoyed my day with you. I was very lucky to meet you.
4. I learned more about recycling from Rose than I think most recyclers in the world know put together. And not just recycling. That girl can repurpose anything.... I mean anything. And if you ever need brown ink; she is the gal to go to... ;)
5. Jennifer and Mary ran an amazing event. There wasn't a prize on the door prize table that I wouldn't have been happy winning, the food was yummy, the raffles were very cool, and did I mention that I won the Cricut?? just checking. ;)
6. One of the furnaces in the gymnasium quit working, and we were all freezing, but Crystal from Pantry let me borrow her vest, and I ended up buying some very yummy soup for lunch. And then the heat came back on, and we were almost too warm!
7. You know when you meet someone and just click?? I think that happened yesterday with Jennifer. Who knows if it happened for her, but I think she is an amazing woman, a hard-worker, and solves injustices in the world, one paper pack at a time...
8. I won first place in a layout contest... hence more than just the Expression in the picture.
9. I found the most perfect paper for the layout I did of my Grammie. It was beyond perfect. And it was in Pantry's store there. (I'll post the pic later)
10. They raised a ton of money for the Children's Hospital. And I hope my kids never need to be there, but if they do, I know they will receive excellent care.
So there you have it.... I was happy for so many more reasons than just winning the big prize...!
layouts 74 & 75


Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Layout 72....

Anyways... everything on this layout is old. The paper, flowers, buttons, bling... everything. Gotta love that too.
Monday, March 23, 2009
imagination.... I wish I had one like hers.

And another one done, and another one done.....

in other news, my sister asked me to be her photographer for her wedding. I was dreading the question, but last week she said that she remembered how much I didn't enjoy my sister Nicole's wedding because I was the photographer, so she wasn't going to ask. Then today, she asked. And today, i said yes.... I agreed to only to only do the formals.... but if you know me, you know i will also be taking a ton of candids. Whatever. she is the only one left to get married. I will have a great time with her and her wedding party. i am more excited to take engagement pictures for them. She said they hadn't planned on it, but i found some really inspiring pictures online today, and her and Rob are perfect for them..... so.... if she wants my professional experience for her wedding, she has to let me "practice" on them for engagements pics!
Thanks for stopping by!
I hope to have more to add this week. Grant is finally home, and that means that I have a little time to myself.. I hope to spend some of that scrapbooking.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
10 Random things that made me so very happy this past week.
2. I found out that my cousin and his wife are expecting and are due in September! I am very excited for them. They will be wonderful parents.
3. For the last two weeks, Avery has LOVED dance class. She has listened, and actually danced, and made me very, very proud.
4. Catherine came through big time, and got a copy of Twilight for me, which meant that the girls could come over and we could have a drool-fest.
5. Grant is on his way home! he should be here by supper. It is painful to count the sleeps when he leaves. 15 sleeps is way too long.
6. Catherine is going to sell SU!, and that is a huge relief for me, because I didn't really want to do it anymore, but I also didn't want to leave people in a lurch without a demonstrator (how tragic...) and now I don't have to worry.
7. There wasn't a mouse in my house. Or at least that is what I was told..... I hope she was right. I know I heard something......
8. Avery has started reading. The other night she just picked up a Dick and Jane book and began sounding out the words. Reading! Crazy.
9. Up until this morning, i actually thought spring was in the air! 17 degrees, t-shirts, and I was even wearing shoes with no socks! Ah spring.... and then the snow began to fall last night. I guess the good thing is that the snow covers up all the gross, dirty browness.
10. I think we are all finally healthy. Finallly. Knock on wood......
So there you have it. Another 10 Randoms done.
Have a great week!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Layout #73

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Where did we go wrong?
Remember when you were in school, and you had respect for your teachers? You might have disliked one or two, or all of them, for that matter, but you still showed them respect to their face. You might talk with your friends about how annoying, or demanding, or insensitive they were, but neverto their face. You would work in class, finish your homework (for the most part), and would never dream of talking back. Remember those days? I do. I remember going to school, and knowing there were consequences for bad behavior. Teachers and administrators actually had tools at their disposal that they could use to reprimand or punish students. Remember the strap? Don't get me wrong.... I am not advocating for the return of the strap in schools, but I do think there needs to be something that makes the kids think twice before they act out. Or what about getting in trouble at school. You knew you were in for it when you got home. Parents stood behind teachers and schools. Parents didn't accuse the teacher of instigating, or defend their child's abhorrent behavior. Parents believed and trusted the teachers. I miss those days. And I miss them more and more when I go back into the classroom.
Not all kids are bad. In fact, on the whole, I would say more often than not, they are generally pretty well behaved. They act up once in a while. Test their boundaries, skip a class here and there... minor stuff. But, there are those kids out there, the ones that make you feel like you should never have kids of your own... or if you do, to try as hard as you can to ensure that they don't end up like the ones you just faced.
I had a grade nine boy yell in my face yesterday.... He literally yelled in my face. And that was after he had talked to me like I was unable of understanding directions, and after he did nothing for his first class with me, despite me giving him plenty of things to write about. He yelled in my face because I asked him to stay out of the teacher's desk. If I was the parent of that kid... I would be humilated. I would be appalled that my child would think that the best course of action is to turn to an adult and yell in their face. I would wonder where in my parenting I had failed. I would beg the forgiveness of the teacher. I would insist that my child offer a sincere apology. This boy's mom said that I shouldn't have told him to get out of the teacher's desk. I was just a substitute, after all. What authority did I have?
Are you kidding me?
When did parents hop on that pendulum and swing so far away from what they were taught as children? Why would they do this? Are they so desperate to ensure that their kids will "love" them, that they won't even give another adult the benefit of the doubt? I pray that the way I am raising my children doesn't result in this behavior. I pray that I don't have children who grow up with this sense of entitlement, with no respect for the people around them, with no regard for rules and structure. I pray that my children are well behaved, polite, rule following students. Is that too much to ask?
Sorry for the venting.... but seriously...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
10 Randoms... How to Survive when you and your kids are sick...

2. Tylenol..... I must have this. My teeth hurt so badly. They ache, and my jaw hurts, and my brain hurts. Not to mention my whole body feels like I lost a wrestling match. (especially since I don't wrestle....)
3. Chicken Soup - homemade is better. obviously. But I am too sick to make it, and I am also feeling crappy and don't have the energy to go to town and buy some. so I won't have any. But if I did... it would make me feel better.
4. Cool mist humidifier - it must be cool mist. Especially because I think Cohen is borderline croupy.... I bought a new one the other day. It humidifies up to 1300 sq ft. It has made a huge difference at night. There is very little coughing during the night which I am attributing to the cool mist. (that hint is for you Little Miss Haley)
5. Canada Dry. It has to be Canada Dry. My husband likes Schwepps. I don't. I like Canada Dry.
6. Avery wants a Snuggie. I would be happy with just plain blankets to keep my comfy. But she wants a Snuggie. Quite badly.... whatever.
7. Cough Syrup. I know that they say that it doesn't help. But I had to do something for Avery. She was coughing until she pukes. So she got to have some.
8. Mmmmmmm tea. A little tension tamer mixed with throat formula, and then honey. Lots and lots of honey. Mmmmmm.
9. The phone. I can't leave the house. I don't have the energy. But I always have the energy to call someone. Even though all of my friends were scrapbooking yesterday, I made sure I stayed in contact with them. I wouldn't want to miss the fun, after all...
10. That ever elusive creature... sleep. I almost got four hours in a row last night before Cohen started puking in his bed. It was awesome.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Mini Album #2!

Wishful Spring-king!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Layout for Mom

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Mini Album Mania

Monday, March 9, 2009
10 Randoms..... about the Brier.
1. Wandering around the Patch with chairs... just looking for a table.
2. Meeting the "oldest gay guy in the world". (I don't know if he is gay.... but he was old.)
3. The lady at the table across from us who loved Stompin' Tom Connors. (we decided it was because she looked like Stompin' Tom Connors.
4. The Ontario Bleacher Creature. This man was Ontario's biggest fan. And I think he has been alive since Ontario became a province... But he would run up and down the Saddledome stairs with his flag. And the crowd would all silently pray that he wouldn't die.
5. 9 drinks on Saturday afternoon. Yep. 9. Look what happens when you let two SAHM moms out in public without children and hubbys......
6. Getting up close and personal with John Morris. He kind of is a jerk. But a hot one.
7. The impromtu exercise routine that the crazy people from Ontario behind us bust into in the 7th end. I am serious. She was stretching and twisting, and bouncing..... weird.
8. Totally getting shut down by Kirk Heuser from CTV. Who cares if I am from only an hour away. Albertans are people too Kirk...
9. Not being able to find the people who you knew were there.... but continuing to run into the same people you don't know....
10. Did I mention John Morris?? Okay, fine. Um......the whole weekend was amazing. I loved every minute of it. So I am going to stop there. There are too many other funny things that happened that just aren't funny for anyone other than Tara and I.....
Thanks for stopping.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Layouts 70 & 71

Sunday, March 1, 2009
10 Random.......Names...
So here goes
Pro Wrestler - Outlaw Peacemaker
Soap Opera Star - Tiffany Huntington
Superhero - The Amphibious Enigma
Stripper - Jenna Glittertight
Presidential Code Name - Hawkeye
Leprechaun - Bonzi O'Grady
Jedi - Colki Rorim
Vampire - Rosalind Arnauld
Pirate Name - No-Neck Jezebel
and my all time favorite... If I were a child of Sarah Palin, my name would be...
Rake Trinket Palin!
Girls' Night Out!
Tara, Lyndsey and myself taking a much needed break and enjoying a daiquiri.
The gals from my table!
And the piece de resistance......the woman I buy my scrapbook supplies from, and payback for the Clip-it-Up dress photo from Blairmore........
New Kit!

Layouts for Jani (68 & 69)