The whole group.... aren't they adorable?
So yesterday was Avery's "real" dance recital. It was at the University Theatre at the U of C in Calgary, and as much as I bitched and complained about having to go there, I totally get why they do it there.

Avery puckering up for the mirror... LOVE this picture. It is going to be showcased immediately in my album. Immediately.
The dressing rooms are "real" dressing rooms, complete with private bathrooms, showers, and lighted mirrors (which make the room ridiculously hot btw...). And the stage and theatre itself are prefect for small dance groups. And it wasn't that bad to get to, and parking wasn't really an issue either, so....... I kind of feel that Avery might go in dance again next year. (YIKES!!! did i really just say that?)
So these pictures are from her dress rehearsal yesterday. I am glad I took them during rehearsal because I was too weepy during the actual performance.

This is Avery's interpretation of what third position looks like. Note the overdramatic look on her face. She thinks this is what ballerinas do in third. It generated quite a few giggles at the performance. ;)