This was taken this summer at Miles' first birthday. The paper was absolutely perfect for this layout. I really like the PDQ stuff, because you don't have to do much to make a wicked page.
This layout is for Jani's wedding album. It is of her and our grandma. I really like how this came together. I think it is classy in a funky way. If that is possible.
I am glad that I finally finished a layout about myself. It has been sitting in a bag for the longest time, and I am really quite pleased with it. I didn't know quite what to journal about. I think that might be why I am so hesitant to scrapbook myself. I don't know what to say without sounding conceited.... Anyhoo, I wrote about all of the things I sometimes let slide in my daily life.
And this photo of Grant and Cohen is one of my all time pictures EVER.... I love it. It was only this weekend that I realize Cohen still had a whole bagel in his hand which is quite cute, because I took this picture on their way back to shore, and they had been gone for about half and hour. Cohen must have been too preoccupied to eat!
just under an hour shooting off 100 frames. It was ridiculously cold out, and we were frozen when it was all said and done, but I am so stoked about what we got. This is just one of my faves from the day.....
These were taken with my new Pentax 18-250mm lens. My kids didn't sleep yesterday so it was an early to bed night, which meant I didn't have any subjects to shoot, but I did have time to watch three of my PVRed shows....... I love my lens.
It is so stinkin' cute. And the cutest part is the hand cut, layered felt stitched pumpkin. I think I might have to order this kit myself!