My friend Jennifer has done it again. This year was the second annual Crop4Kids for the Alberta Children's Hospital. It was another amazing event. This is a list of ten things I loved about it....
1. The free swag. The bag was awesome. That would have been good enough, but the paper, smooch, chipboard albums, stamps, magazine, etc. Super good swag....
2. Leica Forrest is one of the nicest, coolest, most down to earth people I have met. I have had the opportunities to meet some scrapbook celebrities... and people who think they are celebrities... and I have found that a lot of those people throw their success in your face. Like that will somehow make them more credible or something. To me, Leica is the most well known face of Canadian Scrapbooker, and I was lucky enough to spend the day with her. Not once did she come across with an "I am better than you" attitude. She didn't name drop, or manufacturer name drop. She didn't brag about her success. She talked about her kids, her husband, and how much she loves to scrapbook. She does this job for the scrapbooking first, the perks second. I love that.
3. Jennifer works soooo hard for something that matters so much to her. She has a team of people who make it possible, but without that girl.... it would be chaos. She was the perfect example of calm, cool and collected if an "issue" arose. She is all class.
4. Inspired Designs was on site. I LOVE that store. Donna has the newest and coolest stuff. And that girl is overflowing with talent. One day, when the whole world knows her, I will be able to say.... "I bought my Riff Raff and Harmonie from her...."
5. I survived my classes. And I got really good feedback. I was even asked to come and teach at "The Breast Crop Ever" in Red Deer this fall. I was flattered.
6. I completed a layout. I was pretty pleased with myself. I threw it together in 45 minutes. I love preplanning my pages. It makes things so much easier.
7. The glitter mishap. Or, the glitter incident. Whatever it will go down as, it was pretty funny. There was a friendly competition called "Iron Scrapbooker" and there was a little trash talking and attempted sabotage before the competition began. Leica innocently threw glitter at Christy, but unfortunately, it landed all over her face. And in her eyes. I don't know how Christy was able to work after that.... but she looked like a disco queen from 1973.
8. I didn't get to spend as much time chatting with Deanna, but I know that she and I will definitely get together and scrap one day. She seems like such a nice, genuine girl... and I am glad I had the chance to meet her.
9. I got to eat pepperoni pizza. That is always a highlight for me.
10. I can not wait until next year. It just gets better and better.