Saturday, March 3, 2012

More Pinterest Fun

I have two kids who absolutely love love love dinosaurs. Avery eats, sleeps and breathes them. She was so excited to hear about the dinosaur fossil discovery about an hour from our house. She is talking about dinosaurs constantly, and both her and Cohen love to play with their vast collection. So, when I saw an underbed storage tote converted to a dinosaur play area I was excited to make one of our own.
 The purpose of this is to stimulate the tactile senses, while also fostering imaginative play. My kids excel at imagination. And this just kicks their fun and imagination up a notch.
 All you need is an underbed storage tote, and a bunch of dried peas, beans and lentils. I went to Zellers yesterday and totes were on sale, so that was exciting... and then I went to Bulk Barn, and stocked up on $25 worth of tiger, kidney, mung, lima, and pinto beans. I also got some black eyed peas, yellow eyed peas, and yellow, red, and green lentils. 
 When I dumped all of the peas and beans in the tote, I had a hard time taking my hands out! It certainly kicks the fun up a notch... 
Now, what I should do is a make a pinboard of all the things from Pinterest that I have pinned and made....

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