Monday, June 30, 2008

my take on this kit

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this is a kit that Christy from Monday Night Class taught over a week ago at Paper Pastimes. (The original can be found on the Monday Night Class website under classes: She had a few leftovers, and so I greedily snapped it up! when I got it home, I wasn't quite sure what pictures I would put on it, but I really liked the paper (in fact I have some of the same stuff in my stash...) and wanted to get a quick layout done. I changed some things up a bit to accomodate what I finally decided would go on the page.

You know the whole "The Secret" craze? and the idea of making your dreams something visual that you can look at often to remind you what you are striving for? well, I am not sure that I buy into all of that, but I decided to do a layout of the things that Grant and I dream about. I will include a family picture that was recently taken at the Calgary Zoo, a floor plan for our "dream house", I think a picture of Champion School, because I really hope my kids have the opportunity to go there, Money - (that is Grant's idea. i don't even know where to get the money to take a picture of it! ;), and I still need to think of some other possibilities.

So that is my Dream page.


i'd like to say i've been busy...

...but that really isn't the case. I don't exactly know what I have been doing. But I haven't been doing laundry, dusting, or scrapbooking for that matter.

I worked at Sheep River yesterday and managed to get this layout done. The photo was taken on Father's day at Little Bow. We think he is a prince. Prince Charming that is... ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June Layout #13 (a total CASE)

This layout is a total CASE of a page in my inspiration book. But the reality is, it worked so well with the picture that I don't care. I used buttons to extend the rainbow, and the original used the buttons to create sun rays -so I guess that is different... I also printed two pictures of the photo and then cut the second, sanded it and adhered it on top of the first to add a little interest to the page.
The rainbow appeared in our bins this evening, and there is so much buzz about how great of a year this year will be for farmers, that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a picture of the end of the rainbow (with the hope that there really will be a pot of gold at the end of it!)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Christy's Layout (#12)

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MNC Christy (as we affectionately call her) came on Saturday afternoon, but with limited things to work on... so jokingly I told her that she could do a page for me. Who hasn't said that at a crop? What I was very pleased to hear was her, "Sure, what have you got??"

I gave her all my pictures from Vegas. I was feeling very overwhelmed by the sheer number of pictures that I had, and I really didn't know what to do with them all. So I gave them to her, and this amazing layout is what she came up with. Not too shabby. I love that she took the ugly stickers that I had, and made the Las Vegas sign look like it is actually no longer in Vegas, but on my page. She is one talented lady.

When I brought it home, and told Grant that she did it for me, he laughed and said that I should send it in for my next MNC kit! lol.

June Layout #11 (from the weekend)

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I LOVE this picture of Avery. It looks so fake. And she isn't the most photogenic child on the planet, so to get an awesome smile, and a candid shot made me really happy. So happy that this was one of the first pages I did this weekend.

I also like that I used white cardstock. I never use white. I find it too crisp and clean. I like distressed papers so much better. But it goes so well. And I love that I got to use girly stuff. I haven't done girly pages in so long, that it felt really good to pull out flowers and hearts, and pink, pink, pink.

June Layout #10 (from the weekend)

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As with most scrapbookers, there are very few pictures of me. And even less that are worthy of a layout. This might be one of only two layouts of me ever (with the exception of my wedding album).

This paper is soooo cool. And it is recycled. That's good news.

I do have to say that I didn't enjoy putting the self adhesive felt on though. A little to sticky and finicky for me. But I am happy that I used a variety of manufacturer's on this page. I am finding that because lines coordinate with paper and every embellishment known to man, I don't spend as much time as I used to on trying to find things that will look great on the page. Don't get me wrong. I love that I can save time by not having to match all the time, and know that everything I just bought will go together, but sometimes, I want a layout that isn't all matchy-matchy. Not that this doesn't match.
Maybe that will be a challenge I give myself. A layout with stuff that really doesn't look like it could ever go together...

June Layout #9 (from this weekend)

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I am trying really hard to make sure that Cohen's album is as "meaty" as Avery's first year album was. Needless to say, she has a layout of her first black eye, and, it isn't like I was looking for Cohen to hurt himself, but when he did, I thought "At least they will both have an injury page." (Is that wrong???)

We were at the parade in Vulcan last weekend, and he fell off of his lawn chair right onto the pavement. He scratched up his forehead pretty good, and the bruise continued to grow for a day or two. Not that you can tell from his smile though.

June Layout #8 (from the crop this weekend)

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so when all was said and done, I completed ten layouts! one was a MNC kit, and one I didn't actually do myself... more about that when I post it...

Anyhoo, I love being able to go to this. It's pretty free to crop for two days. A pot luck salad lunch and that was all it cost me. And I got ten layouts done!

This is my son and a friend's son. They are a week apart, not that you can tell from the size of Riley... he just keeps growing!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

been a while...

so it has been a while, but there has been so much going on that I don't find myself in front of my computer...
So all day yesterday and all of today have and will be spent scrapbooking! My friend Tara has an "in" with some girls in High River, who organize a crop at their church every couple of months. I got invited back...(shocking, I know.) and have already gotten five layouts done.
When I go to something like this, I try really hard to plan my pages in advance, this is especially helpful since there is no store close by. I also find that I don't have to spend a ton of time searching through piles of paper, and embellishments to find "just the right" whatever.
Needless to say, there will be some new layouts posted in a day or two!

oh yeah, I also got my hair cut. Super short. super cute for summer. And it is purple.
Well, not all of it is purple, but the front is...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day honey...

So today for Father's Day I had to work at convincing Grant that he shouldn't spend all day out mowing the grass. God knows it needs it, but I also know that these next three weeks that he is home are going to fly by and before we know it, he will have to be back at work, and we won't have had any quality family time.

He suggested that we take a picnic lunch to Little Bow, and so off we went. It turned out to be a great day, and we splashed in the water, swung on the swings, and then cruised the campground looking for our dream trailer...

All in all, a really good day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

it's a ................

Finally that baby popped out of her! Well not popped so much as was cut out. But he is here...Miles Ross.
I am so happy for them. Now the work begins...

Friday, June 13, 2008

I've Been Scrapping!

First I need to calm my fears about Haley. Turns out she wasn't induced on Wednesday, but rather today. So I don't need to press any panic buttons!

So today I finished two design layouts for Monday Night Class, as well as did a two page spread of an 11x14 of Grant and Avery in the swath from last year's harvest. And I finally did the layout of our new family when Cohen finally came home. A year later isn't that bad is it???
So this is the family layout. Simple - but old stuff!
Ghost shapes were old, We R eylets were a Christmas gift, the paper was for another project that surprise, surprise I found something different for, and the corner accenty thing is the only new thing. I just got the Home Accents Cricut cartridge (specifically for the bird design) and loved this little thingy. (and I fixed the "e" in the title so it isn't so crooked ;)

thanks for stopping!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Waiting Game...

I was talking with my friend Tara today about our friend Haley. She was induced last night, and we were saying that the time seems to go a lot faster when you are the once who is getting induced, as opposed to the ones waiting for the phone call.
I hope that all is going well. I really hope that she had a fast labor and Brian just forgot to call me, but I am more worried that it has been close to 24 hours, and things aren't going fantastically.
Hopefully by tomorrow I will get a phone call with super exciting news...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

June Layouts #4, #5, and #6

So this is what I have been doing at my parent's house.

The Celebrate is my take on the July Monday Night Class Calendar.

The Cute page is my DD's third birthday pictures, and the Christmas layout is obviously me trying desperately to stay somewhat caught up...


Going Home

I have been at my parent's house since Saturday, and am heading home today. I have to sub tomorrow so I should try and make it home at a decent time...
While I was here I got so much scrapbooking done. I am not sure how... my mom worked the whole time I was here, and my dad; well, let's just say he isn't the most helpful in the kid department.
Anyhoo, I got my July and August MNC calendar kits done, plus a layout that I am designing for MNC done, and two of my own layouts!
I will post these when I get home, because the scrapbooker in me left my camera at home.

The exciting thing about this trip was that I went to my grandparent's old house in Red Deer to take a picture. I am doing a mini album of the places where my parents and I lived when I was younger. Anyhoo, part of me thought the house would be the same, and part of me was excited to see if the new owners had made any changes. (My grandparents moved out in 1981, so I would think something would be done.)
There were major changes... new siding and shingles, a new mini addition on one side. The garden is gone, the back porch is gone... but the trees in the front yard are so big! And the park across the street... there is a hill in the middle of this big green space. The hill used to be so big. Not now. It is funny to go back and reminisce on your childhood.
Now I just need to get an updated picture of the old farm house. We found some old slides of when it was first built, so that is cool, but dad thinks that I shouldn't just drive into someone's yard, snap a picture and leave.
we'll see!

Monday, June 9, 2008

that rocked!

Sex and the City was beyond exellent! I loved it. I don't know if I loved it so much because I haven't had a night out in forever.... or if the movie was really that good.
I think the movie was that good.

Now I have to wait for it to come to HR so that I can take Tara on a date!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

So excited!

So I am so desperate to see the Sex & the City movie that I drove three and a half hours to my parent's house so they could look after the kids, and I could go for drinks and a movie with my sister.

I can't wait. Not only for the movie, but for a grownup night out.

I am already salivating over the popcorn...... mmmmmmmmmmmm popcorn.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

June Layout #3 (got my fix)

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so this layout is an exact copy of the Wrangler Butt one, but since they are going in two different albums, I don't care. I saved a ton of time trying to figure out what to do, and I FINALLY got to use this White Out paper by We R Memory Keepers!

My subtitle for this page will also be G*#($)N Crop-a-dile! It totally screwed up two eyelets at the top right of this page, so I had to cut them out, and then cover it with something. The hand cut heart will do the trick, but it isn't the same effect that I had going earlier.

Now I must retire to my bed so I can go shopping tomorrow and find something to wear to grad tomorrow night.


What to do, what to do...

So I am currently substitute teaching right now. Can you tell?? And tomorrow is the grade nine graduation ceremony, and I am planning on going to my parent's place for the weekend to so and see the Sex & the City movie with my sister. The problem is, I don't know when I will find time to get my fix!
I looked after a friend's kids yesterday, so I didn't get to scrap then, and have been busy today, and will be tomorrow! I feel like an addict who is in withdrawl... is that wrong?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June Layout #2

So here goes... Last month I said that I wanted to change my approach to some of my layouts. I know I will never get away from scrapbooking holidays, and dance recitals, etc. But I really want to make sure I tell the stories that are really important.

This layout is all about how I met my husband, and that when we first met 13 (OMG!) years ago, I was so caught up in his Wrangler butt (please don't judge ;) that I was pleasantly surprised to find an incredible man that went along with it.


Oh yeah - all old stuff here too! (paper, scraps, ghost shapes, paint... all old)

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Right Stuff!

Oh yeah.... I will be attending the NKOTB concert. I have a ticket! Sooo excited. I wasn't allowed to go to concerts back when they were plastered all over my walls (Donnie in particular), so this is a dream come true for me. I think that I am going to LUHVE the 19th of November.

Now all I have to do is find all my old tapes...

Sunday, June 1, 2008

June Layout #1

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I keep thinking I am "caught up-ish" and then I find more things from last year, that I wanted to include in either my family album, or Cohen's first year album.

This whole page is old stuff... scraps from my scrap bin, old buttons, old eyelet, and old chipboard. If I keep this up, maybe I won't have to find room to put all the new stuff!

Thanks for looking!

Parmesan Pesto Pasta!

Why does pasta have to be such a mess to eat? It doesn't seem to matter what I put on it; cheese, tomato sauce, or basil and oregano, it always ends up in a huge mess.

Cohen is fighting to be an independent eater, which is a good thing right? No one wants to still be feeding their three year old (unless you are my SIL - but that is a whole other story), but I hate how messy every meal is. Wouldn't it be nice if babies could go from nursing to knife and fork???