Sunday, June 22, 2008

Christy's Layout (#12)

(double click to enlarge)
MNC Christy (as we affectionately call her) came on Saturday afternoon, but with limited things to work on... so jokingly I told her that she could do a page for me. Who hasn't said that at a crop? What I was very pleased to hear was her, "Sure, what have you got??"

I gave her all my pictures from Vegas. I was feeling very overwhelmed by the sheer number of pictures that I had, and I really didn't know what to do with them all. So I gave them to her, and this amazing layout is what she came up with. Not too shabby. I love that she took the ugly stickers that I had, and made the Las Vegas sign look like it is actually no longer in Vegas, but on my page. She is one talented lady.

When I brought it home, and told Grant that she did it for me, he laughed and said that I should send it in for my next MNC kit! lol.

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