I haven't been really inspired or motivated to scrapbook lately, and it certainly isn't for want or desire. I have been craving it, but whenever I try to start something, I lose my "mojo". I think it might have something to do with the fact that my scrapbook room looks a little like a bomb went off in it.
Do you have a room in your house where things get put "just for a little while"? That is my scrapbook room. My room used to be our office, but when we had Cohen, we moved Avery into my scrapbook room upstairs, and I couldn't be without, so Grant sacrificed the office for a scrap space for me (super spoiled; I know) but when he is home, he often dumps his laptop and all the bills in there, as well as I put stuff that I need close at hand in there (like all the stuff for Cohen's birthday party - which I have had for three months, taking up space).
I have also decided to not actively pursue my SU! Stamper's 10 club this year, so I was able to downsize all the stuff that I would drag to that every month, and therefore made room in my closet for my totes.
I think when all is said and done, and I can actually find my computer, desk, and floor again, I will be pumping out the pages like crazy... (hopefully).