Sunday, July 13, 2008

And another one done, and another one done...

I guess I go in spurts. I have put scrapbooking off for longer than usual... (like a week...omg) and I think it is because Grant is gone to work, and I really have been run off my feet with both kids. For the first time, I don't have any back up plan so that I can have a break. My MIL is away at her cabin, and my dayhome isn't really available at the moment, soooo I guess parenting has trumped scrapbooking. ( I can't believe it either...)

Anyhoo, this is a pic of Cohen in October of last year. He was such a little man that day. No matter how many times I pulled his hand out of his pants, he would shove it back in. (and grin, of course.)


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