Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10 Random reasons why my 10 Randoms are two days late...

I am rarely late. i don't like to be late. I always leave with plenty of time to get somewhere, I usually arrive early, and then end up waiting. But i would rather wait, than be late. That said, I have been late for lots of things lately, and my 10 randoms are also late. Here are some excuses as to why they might have been delinquent.

1. I have been very busy working. (scrapbooking is work non?)
2. I have been swallowed up by the ever mounting piles of laundry, and only just came up for air.
3. I had to go to Calgary on Sunday for my niece's birthday. Cake and ice cream trump everything.
4. I have had so many late nights this past week, that blogging has been the least of my worries. My new worries include how many Pomtinis a gal should consume before she should stop, and also, how does one old lady (me) function after a night where she thinks she is a young lady (me 15 years ago).
5. It is the end of the May/June Crazies, and despite the fact that I am not a teacher anymore, there are still a million and one things that need to be done at this time of year including last day of preschool, dance recitals, SU! groups...... endless... ;)
6. I have been busy submitting layouts to random publications and design teams and getting rejected. Who has time to blog when they are nursing a bruised ego?
7. I have been spending as much time with Grant and the kids as i can. He is going back to work on Tuesday.... and that only leaves us a week.
8. I had to finish the preschool mini albums for Avery's teachers. They rock. (If I do say so myself.) (Ususally I don't toot my own horn, but they really do rock.)
9. I have been trying to stay caught up on my housekeeping. I have failed miserably at that. Whateve.
10. Who says they always have to be on Sunday??? (Well, I used to say that, but apparently, life happens.)

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