Thursday, July 23, 2009

And the Mother of the Year Award goes to........

......................not me!
So Avery went out fishing today with Grant and Sandersons... and caught her first fish. Why did I not post a picture? Well, I didn't send a camera, and I wasn't in the boat because I was in town buying a new makeup bag. So, needless to say, Avery was stinking proud of herself, and I wasn't there to photograph it. But she did tell me all about it. The funny thing is she doesn't know about fish stories yet, so she was telling me how big her fish was, and she had her fingers about three centimeters apart. Cute.
Hopefully tomorrow I will have something better to show for my parenting than a crappy cosmetics case.
(and the reason I needed that was my favorite son dumped my new container of Manipulator into my makeup bag. I thought the vaseline was bad.... but this is sticky, and slimy, and starts to get thick when exposed to the air for a significant amount of time. Awesome.)

1 comment:

Shannon Tompkins said...

Way too stinking funny. I have a picture with my first fish, fish was so small you couldn't see it the photograph!