I don't reflect on my life enough in this manner. I don't give credit to the people in my life who make me grateful to be alive. And it seems that it happens at Thanksgiving, and when some sort of tragedy happens. Well, no tragedy, just Thanksgiving, so here is a list of things that I am thankful for in 2010.
1. My family. I have two kids who love me to the moon and back. They tell me every night. And I love them that, times a million. I also have the greatest husband in the world. He makes sacrifices every single day, so that his kids and I are happy, have not only what we need, but also what we want, is kind and forgiving, and loves us all unconditionally. I am a lucky, lucky girl.
2. The rest of my family. Sometimes my parents drive me nuts. Even today, at my old age they know how to get under my skin. But I also know they do it out of love and concern. They want only the best for all of us, and I love them for that. I also love both of my sisters more than I ever thought I could. We didn't always get along, and have such different interests it is hard to believe we can get along at all, but we do... and I love them. And their husbands too!
3. That I can stay home with the kids. Grant and I made a decision when we first had kids that it was important for one of us to be at home with them as they were growing up. Don't get me wrong. I miss work a lot, but I would much rather spend time with my kids, than someone else's. It is hard some days, and we have made a committment to do without so we can afford to have only one income, but I will never regret this.
4. My photography. I love taking pictures. I always have. I got my first camera when I was eight. I haven't stopped taking pictures since then. I have millions of albums to prove it. I also love that I had the chance to train as a professional photographer all those years ago. It has given me the courage, and know-how to get back into the game.
5. The people who allow me to take their portraits. I love that they trust me enough with their memories to let me into that part of their lives. I also love that they are willing to experiment so as to get the perfect shot.
6. Scrapbooking. I am truly grateful for this hobby of mine. It has allowed me to meet and make friends with some of the most amazing women. It has provided me with the solace and serenity I need when the day is crumbling around me. It has allowed me to explore creatively. I love scrapbooking... almost as much as my kids.... ;)
7. Being a Canadian. I love this country. I couldn't imagine living elsewhere. I think that, despite the bickering that goes on in Ottawa, or Edmonton, or anywhere else, we have an awesome country. We have a nation that cares for the people, protects them, nurses them back to health, celebrates them, honors them, and works for them. You can't say that about a lot of places.
8. My friends. I have great ones. I have said it before and I will say it again. I love my friends. They listen, they support, they laugh with and at me, they pick me up, they share their time and talents and scrapbook supplies. They are awesome and I am lucky to know them.
9. My community. I love our little village. Despite the occasional gong show that is small town drama, we are a great place to live. We work hard to maintain our school , swimming pool, main street, and morale, and I am proud to say that Champion is my home.
10. My health. I am watching loved ones deal with illness and disease, and I am thankful every day that I continue to be healthy.