Monday, August 18, 2008

Why didn't I think of that?

I find it truly ironic that Alberta is running short of fuel. I mean, seriously... this is a little ridiculous. Anyhoo, I was in town last night, and the Petro Can was completely out of all gas, and Esso only had a little supreme and diesel left. UFA was closing in 10 minutes. I didn't need gas, thank goodness. But my friend Kathy said that if she had been in town, she would have been at UFA with her card and would sell people her cardlock gas. I am sure it is completely illiegal, but not a bad idea!

We are in the middle of a heat wave. the temp hasn't been below 30 for 5 days. So hot. Today is supposed to be 33 in Calgary, and it is always a little hotter at our place. I am so happy that we have air conditioning. So very happy. I can't remember what we used to do without it! I haven't turned it off for three days. We even had a thunderstorm go through last night, but it did nothing to cool things off. Way too hot to cook supper, not that I have much of an appetite in this heat, so back to town we go to get pizza. I don't know how restaurants manage in this heat. Everyone I know is getting take out.

As for a layout today. I am so close to getting one done, but I don't know how much I like it. We'll see.

Oh yeah. Another little gem from Avery. She came over to me yesterday and asked me if I had any snuggles left to give her because she really needed one. (how cute, and who could run out of snuggles for their daughter when she is sweet like that?) (I know she will be bugging her brother again soon, and the screaming will commence, but until then...)

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